Friday, October 05, 2007


I absolutely love fall! It is definately my favorite season. With the temperature cooling, humidity dwindling, and beautiful fall colors coming alive it just makes me happy. If you've ever seen "You've Got Mail," you may remember the scene where Tom Hanks' character Joe Fox is writing to Meg Ryan's character, Kathleen Kelly where he says he loves New York in the fall and it makes him think of freshly sharpened pencils. I love to watch that movie in the Fall- it just makes me happy.

This semester has been somewhat interesting so far. I think I might just possibly have a new version of senior-itis. I can't seem to stay completely interested in what i'm reading or what I'm supposed to be learning- maybe that has something to do with the Fall as well, I'd rather be sitting outside reading a great book! Fall break is next week and I'm headed back home to spend some time with my family, relax, and try to become interested in my classes for this semester so that I can actually pass my exams in December!!

So, as I leave you this time, enjoy the wonderful beauty that is fall, take in the smells, colors, and fresh air and go watch "You've Got Mail" and it will make you happy too!